GETTING STARTED WITH BRIDGE CREW sw1.12b Attached is a simple list of things to do to get up and running with the shareware version of bridge crew. You should read each step and do them in order. If you do this, you will 'enjoy' all that this program has to offer. Remember, Bridge Crew is designed to be played with a group of people - it is a computer assisted co-operative role- playing game where you and the other players play the part of the bridge crew on a starship. 1. Read this file first. Read this file, read all the steps and ensure that you have all necessary hardware, people and knowledge. 2. You will need the following hardware: One IBM compatible 386 computer with VGA graphics, 530K of available memory, about 6 megabytes of available disk space and MSDOS 5 or MSDOS 6. This computer must have two serial ports - standard COM1 and COM2. This computer will hereafter be refered to as the main machine (abreviated to MM). Two IBM computers of almost any type with 512K of available memory. We have used 286s in testing, but in theory an XT would do. These machines must each have 2 serial ports. These machines will be used to run the BCTERM terminal emulator and will hereafter be called BCTERM-A and BCTERM-B. Two dumb serial terminals OR two IBM compatible PCs able to run the VT100.EXE program supplied. These machines need about 400K of memory and one serial port. If you don't have the additional IBM compatible machines or dumb terminals, you could use two computers of almost any type running simple VT100 terminal emulators. Any combination of the above would do (eg one IBM or compatible, one terminal, an Atari ST and an AMIGA). These machines will hereafter be called DUMB-A and DUMB-B. Four Null modem cables. NOTE - You must have the right plugs and sockets on them (normally DB25 or DB9 male or female) This will depend on what type of serial ports the MM, BCTERM-A, BCTERM-B, DUMB-A, and DUMB-B have. FIVE People, one to act as Captain, one to act as GM and three to act as crew. 2. Now we will physically arrange the hardware Place the hardware in such a way that the operators of BCTERM-A, BCTERM-B, DUMB-A and DUMB-B can all see the VGA Display of MM. This is normally acheived by placing them round a big table with MM's display at one end of the table. The captains chair should be placed in such a location that he/she can see the VGA display of MM and any orders he/she gives can be clearly heard by the operators of BCTERM-A, BCTERM-B, DUMB-A and DUMB-B. Your layout (around a table) could look something like this: _____________ | | | MM | | Screen | |___________| | | ___________ /MM \ / \ BCTERM-B Player 2 GM /BCTERM-A / \ / \ DUMB-B Player 3 Player 1 DUMB_A / \ /______________________\ Captain 3. Now you will do the necessary cabling 3a. Run a null modem cable from COM1 on MM to COM1 on BCTERM-A 3b. Run a null modem cable from COM2 on MM to COM1 on BCTERM-B 3c. Run a null modem cable from COM2 on BCTERM-A to DUMB-A 3d. Run a null modem cable from COM2 on BCTERM-B to DUMB-B Note, if DUMB-A and DUMB-B are IBM PCs, run the cable to COM1. In theory you have now done the cabling. 4. Now you will unzip and install the software Run PKUNZIP in the C:\ directory of MM with the -d option. This will place the files in their proper subdirectories. eg >PKUNZIP -D BCFILES.ZIP This will unzip a heap of files into two directories C:\UNIVERSE and C:\BCREW. It will also create two subdirectories below c:\bcrew. These will be DOCUMENTS and TERMINAL, where the manuals and bcterm files will be stored, respectively. 5. Now we will install BCTERM onto BCTERM-A & BCTERM-B Create a C:\BCTERM directory on BCTERM-A and BCTERM-B eg >MD BCTERM Get a spare formatted floppy disk that cam be read BY MM and BCTERM-A and BCTERM-B. Copy onto it BCTERM.EXE, BCTERSET.EXE and BCTERSET.DAT from the directory C:\BCREW\TERMINAL eg >COPY BCTERM.EXE A: eg >COPY BCTERSET.EXE A: eg >COPY BCTERSET.DAT A: Copy these files to BCTERM-A and BCTERM-B into the \BCTERM directories you created. eg >COPY A:BCTER*.* C\BCTERM\*.* You can test the sucess of this by executing the following commands on BCTERM-A and BCTERM-B which will run the BCTERM.EXE terminal emulator. >C: >cd \BCTERM >BCTERM If sucessful you will see a screen with three areas; one labelled REPORTS, one labeled MESSAGES and one labled INPUT. To exit this program use ALT/X (press ALT key and while it's depressed press the X key). In theory you have now loaded the software for BCTERM-A and BCTERM-B. NB: It is possible to run BCTERM from a floppy disk. 7. I know it's a lot of work but it's worth it! You are doing well to have got this far, now for the last few steps to fun. 8. Now we will configure DUMB-A and DUMB-B If you are using PC's as DUMB-A and DUMB-B you must copy the file VT100.EXE (found in the TERMINAL directory) onto them. You run this withthe command >VT100 COM1 If you are using Dumb serial terminals, Amiga, Atari or Macintosh PCs, configure them to emulate VT100s and ensure that they are set to 9600 Baud, No Parity and One Stop Bit. Note: BRIDGE CREW doesn't use any flow control at all. In theory you are now ready to run BRIDGE CREW. 9. Running Bridge Crew The GM should go to the keyboard of MM and type >C: >cd \BCREW >SW112 PUB1.SSW He or she will then see a copyright message. Press return to get past it. If all went well, a message starting with the phrase 'Macros have been loaded' should appear on DUMB-A, DUMB- B, BCTERM-A and BCTERM-B. In addition, the main display of MM should go black and show a silhouette of a starship labled F0 in the center. At the left of the screen is a text status area. All of the terminals (BCTERM-A, BCTERM-B, DUMB-A and DUMB-B) should now respond to a WHO command (type WHO and then press Enter). The Response to the WHO command will tell you the terminal number. This should be noted by the operator who will need to tell the security officer later (so that his or her bridge position can be assigned). One of the ports will be identifable as the GM by the message, 'You are the primary GM'. This is the GM's terminal. (normally this will be BCTERM-A). The GM can now allocate the security of the ship to the security officer by the command SECUR ptnum, where ptnum is the number (from the WHO command) of the security officer's terminal. eg SECUR 2 would allocate security to the officer on port 2. The GM can start play with the command UNFREEZE which will allow the starship K1 to attack the players SHIP F0 The security officer can use the GIVE command to allocate bridge positions to the crew. All crew can use the RECON command to list objects on the sensors (initialy nothing will show on sensors). All crew can use the THINGS command to list all objects that they know about in this universe (initially K1 and F0) All crew can use the REPORT FUNCTIONS command to list the status of the ship's functions (initially all functions are at 100%) All crew can use the REPORT SHIP command to list the general status of the ship (should be ok initially) Once the security officer has given out the bridge positions (using the GIVE command 'eg GIVE HELM 3') the officers concerned can do as follows: The BEAM officer can use the CHARGE, BLOCK, REPORT BEAM and BFIRE commands to shoot at the hostile ship K1 (on the captain's orders of course). The MISSILE officer can use the LOAD, MLOCK, PROXIMITY, REPORT MISSILE and MFIRE commands to shoot at the hostile ship K1 (on the captain's orders of course). The HELM officer can use the COURSE and SPEED commands to control the ship. Also the MODE and SCALE commands can be used to change the main display. Oh yes, and the VIEW command will be needed to keep F0 in the center of the screen! The Other officers are not essential and can be learned at the crew's leisure (science and damage control are pretty useful). To really get a handle on these commands you should print a copy of the document PLAYER.DOC. All players could also use a copy of the ready reference sheets PLREF.DOC. The GM should read GM.DOC and print a copy of GMREF.DOC. Example of play with example commands beside it: The Cast of Players: GM Game Master (port 0) WHERIT, Ensign Wassa Helm Officer and Science officer (Port 1) RAMBO, Officer Sir Missile Officer and security officer (port 2) GUNS, Boans Macoy Beam Officer (port 3) SKIPPY, Captain Skua Captain (no terminal, he just stares at MM Display) Person Action - "Spoken" Command Typed ----------------------------------------------------- GM "You are running." at dos >sw112 pub1.ssw ----------------------------------------------------- GM Deciding to put k3 in (on GM's terminal) rather than k1. LOCATE DEACT k1 ACTIVATE K3 ----------------------------------------------------- GM "Who's on security?" ----------------------------------------------------- RAMBO "Me on port 2." WHO ----------------------------------------------------- GM "You have security." SECUR 2 ----------------------------------------------------- RAMBO "Who wants what?" ----------------------------------------------------- WHERIT "Helm and Science to port WHO one please." ----------------------------------------------------- RAMBO GIVE HELM 1 GIVE SCI 1 ----------------------------------------------------- RAMBO "Done, Next?" ----------------------------------------------------- GUNS "Beam to 3." WHO ----------------------------------------------------- RAMBO GIVE BEAM 3 ----------------------------------------------------- SKIPPY "Ready Yet?" ----------------------------------------------------- GM "You are running live UNFREEZE now." ----------------------------------------------------- RAMBO "Give me a break!" GIVE MISS 2 REPORT SECURITY ----------------------------------------------------- RAMBO After inspecting the report, "Security looks good. Now what?" ----------------------------------------------------- SKIPPY "WHAT'S OUT THERE?" ----------------------------------------------------- GUNS "Just us, oh and K3." THINGS ----------------------------------------------------- SKIPPY "Track k3." ----------------------------------------------------- WHERIT "Ok." TRACK K3 ----------------------------------------------------- GUNS "It's not in range yet." RECON ----------------------------------------------------- SKIPPY "Lock weapons as soon as it is." ----------------------------------------------------- TIME PASSES ........... ----------------------------------------------------- GUNS "It's on sensors. ... RECON Range 9000." ----------------------------------------------------- SKIPPY "Scale 9000." ----------------------------------------------------- WHERIT "Ok." SCALE 9000 ----------------------------------------------------- GUNS "locking Beams." BLOCK K3 LB RB ----------------------------------------------------- GUNS "Charging Beams." BCHARGE LB RB ----------------------------------------------------- RAMBO "Proximity set to 100." PROX 100 FWD AFT ----------------------------------------------------- SKIPPY "Course 450, speed 30." ----------------------------------------------------- WHERIT "Ok." COURSE 450 SPEED 30 ----------------------------------------------------- TIME PASSES ........... ----------------------------------------------------- RAMBO "Locking Missiles." MLOCK K3 FWD AFT ----------------------------------------------------- Skippy "Fire beams at 1400, missiles at will." ----------------------------------------------------- GUNS "Ok." ----------------------------------------------------- SKIPPY "Course 424." ----------------------------------------------------- WHERIT "Ok." COURSE 424 ----------------------------------------------------- SKIPPY "Scale 3000." ----------------------------------------------------- WHERIT SCALE 3000 ----------------------------------------------------- RAMBO "Firing missiles." MFIRE FWD AFT ----------------------------------------------------- RAMBO "Sh.. I Forgot to load." MLOAD FWD AFT ----------------------------------------------------- Skippy "Dont panic." MLOCK K3 FWD AFT "Speed 10." "We'll slow down to give you time to load." ----------------------------------------------------- WHERIT "Range now 1500." ----------------------------------------------------- GUNS "Beams firing; 2 hits." BFIRE LB RB ----------------------------------------------------- GUNS CHARGE LB RB ----------------------------------------------------- RAMBO "Firing missiles." MFIRE FWD AFT ----------------------------------------------------- RAMBO "Reloading Now." MLOAD FWD AFT ----------------------------------------------------- WHERIT "It's shields are still SCAN GEN K3 50% or better." ----------------------------------------------------- SKIPPY Observing their front shield at 30%: "Course 1800." ----------------------------------------------------- WHERIT "Ok." COURSE 1800 ----------------------------------------------------- The battle continues. TO ORDER To order the registered version of BRIDGE CREW fill out the relevant order form for your country, include a cheque or money order and send to : Mithril Software Pty Ltd PO Box 225 Kippax ACT 2615 Australia For other countries, please fill out one of the above and include a cheque/money order in the given currency. If using the Australian or New Zealand order form, add $20 extra postage. All orders are sent via Air Mail and are despatched within 48 hours of notification of cheque clearance. Barring major currency fluctuations, prices should valid until 1 July 1996. For further pricing information contact Mithril Software: PO Box 225, Kippax, ACT 2615, Australia or fax us on: International Access code (61) (6) 254 6280 eg from USA 011 61 6 254 6280 from NZ 00 61 6 254 6280 or contact David Readman on the internet JAGUAR@SUBURBIA.APANA.ORG.AU LICENCE This licence applies to BRIDGE CREW version sw1.12 and all associated files and material distributed by Mithril Software. This software is is protected by copyright law and by international copyright treaty. You assume responsibility for the selection of the programs to achieve your intended results, and for the installation, use and results obtained from the program. Mithril Software is not responsible for any damages caused by the use of this software. Mithril Software provides these programs and scenarios and licenses their use as follows: You may: a. Copy and distribute this version (sw1.12) of BRIDGE CREW to whoever will take it. b. Use this software for private use. This includes such use as may be made by a private gaming group. c. Display this program at a seminar, conference, or convention publicly, provided you are not receiving reward for doing so. (i.e. you are not getting paid or charging for the privilege). d. Use the supplied terminal emulators VT100.exe and BCTERM.EXE and associated programs and files on up to four PCs provided they are connected to a machine running BRIDGE CREW version sw1.12. e. Change the medium on which it is distributed or distribute it electronically. You may not: a. Charge EXCESSIVE copying fees for the copying of this software. b. Package the software in a way that infers to consumers that they are purchasing a registered version of the software. c. Change the software or any associated files. d. Use or demonstrate this program at any convention, seminar,party, meeting or other public or private event if as a result of this demonstartion you receive any kind of reward or payment without the permission of Mithril Software. e. Accept or receive reward for the use of the software, without the permission of Mithril Software. f. Use the software in a manner for which it is not intended. g. Use the software if a corporation you represent or are employed by will receive payment or reward as a result, without the permission of Mithril Software. TERM The licence is effective until terminated. You may terminate it at any other time by destroying the program, data and scenario files and all copies as well as any printed material. There is no time limit on this licence provided you keep within the terms and conditions listed above you may use this software for as long as you like. WARRANTY This version sw1.12 comes without any warranty at all. While the authors have taken all reasonable care in the production of the software, they do not accept responsibility for any loss caused directly or indirectly by use of this software. SUPPORT This version sw1.12 comes without any official support at all. David Readman has offered to answer questions and provide some limited support for this version on the INTERNET but makes it clear that Registered Customers come first. his internet adress is : OFFICIAL WEB PAGE All the latest files and news can be obtained from the Web page - REQUEST FROM THE AUTHORS If you use this version of BRIDGE CREW for an extended period of time then it would be polite to consider (and act upon) getting a registered version. The registered version is superior in many ways and comes with printed manuals. It is constantly being updated in all probability by the time you read this it will have a new batch of features not found in sw1.12. COPYRIGHT and TRADEMARKS BRIDGE CREW is a trademark of Mithril Software. This product is copyright Mithril Software 1994. All rights reserved.